Wax Blending
The care and expertise in which we exercise every step has made Paramold one of the finest blending facilities. The process of perfecting a formula begins with the research we have continually done over the last 160 years.
Get the precise wax to meet your customer’s needs. The care and expertise in which we exercise every step has made Paramold one of the finest blending facilities. The process of perfecting a formula begins with the research we have continually done over the last 167+ years.
Customize any blend to your requirements
Use our raw materials, your own, or a combination of the two
On-site laboratory ensures waxes are optimized to your specifications
On-site testing facility for consistency and uniformity in our wax blends
Paramold stock blends also available
Wax Processing
Paramold’s facilities enable you to get the wax in the form you need it.
Create custom sized slabs and bars
Convert slabs to granules
Convert granules to slabs